Module Mix
Create a unique Loyalty program tailored to your needs and your business by combining the best elements of our existing modules (e.g. Gift + Cashback).
Create a unique Loyalty program tailored to your needs and your business by combining the best elements of our existing modules (e.g. Gift + Cashback).
Service card
This is an ideal Loyalty program for all companies in the service sector. Offer your customers all the services you provide, their combinations, or service packages. Practical and easy to use, Service Card can only improve your business.
Cash-Back Loyalty program means a „return“ of a percentage, i.e. a certain amount for shopping on a card that the consumer can then use for the next purchase and as such serves an exceptional marketing tool for improving user experience, retaining current and attracting new customers. This Loyalty module will allow you to track user activity and learn about the turnover share which is the direct result of the Cash-Back program, as well as market segmentation by products and prices and also demographic attributes of customers (gender, age …) and their needs and preferences.
With this Loyalty program, you will let your customers collect points depending on the amount of money they can later substitute for products. Only you decide whether the price of a particular product will be expressed in points or you will assign a point to the monetary value, as our module provides for both options and their combination. Although common, this is a proven way for encouraging consumers and increasing turnover.
Odgovorite na inovativan način na zahteve savremenog tržišta, izdvojite se u odnosu na konkurenciju, zadržite postojeće i privucite nove klijente upotrebom naših Gift (poklon) kartica. Ove nepersonalizovane pre-paid kartice Vašim klijentima, umnogome će olakšati kupovinu poklona dragim osobama, a Vama značajno povećati promet. Najbolje od svega – uplaćeni novac na karticama, dobijate pre same kupovine!
Respond to the demands of the modern market in an innovative way, stand out from the competition, keep the current and attract new customers using our Gift Cards. These non-personalized pre-paid cards will greatly assist your clients in purchasing gifts to their loving ones and significantly increase your turnover. Best of all – you’ll receive the money before the shopping itself is done!
Ovim Loyalty programom, omogućite svojim klijentima sakupljanje poena u zavisnosti od potrošenog novčanog iznosa, koje oni kasnije mogu zameniti za proizvode. Da li će cena određenog proizvoda biti izražena u poenima ili ćete poenu dodeliti novčanu vrednost, u potpunosti je na Vama jer naš modul pruža obe mogućnosti, pa i njihovo kombinovanje. Iako uobičajena, ovo je proverena metoda za podsticanje potrošača i povećanje prometa.
Cash-Back Loyalty program podrazumeva „povraćaj“ procenta tj. određenog iznosa od vrednosti kupovine na karticu koji potrošač zatim može koristiti pri sledećoj kupovini i kao takav predstavlja izuzetan marketinški alat za poboljšanje korisničkog iskustva, zadržavanje postojećih i privlačenje novih kupaca. Ovaj Loyalty modul će Vam omogućiti praćenje aktivnosti korisnika i uvid u udeo prometa koji je direktan rezultat Cash-Back programa, kao i podatke o segmentaciji tržišta po artiklima i cenama, ali i po demografskoj pripadnosti kupaca (pol, godište…) i njihovim potrebama i preferencijama.
Omogućite Vašim klijentima sakupljanje popusta (discount) izraženih u procentima koje zatim mogu koristiti prilikom narednih kupovina.
U okviru ovog modula našeg Loyalty programa, sami određujete visinu popusta i uslove njihovog rasta u zavisnosti od opsega potrošnje (skale popusta).
Izuzetna alternativa za Cash-Back program.
Scalable discount
Let your customers collect the discounts expressed in percentages which they can then use for next purchases.
Within this module of our Loyalty program, you yourself define the number and value of discounts, the conditions of their growth, depending on the range of consumption (discount scales).
An exceptional alternative to the Cash-Back program.