Gift cards

Expand your offer with gift cards, encourage additional sales and delight your current and future customers

Gift cards

You can use gift cards as rewards for repeated purchases or for reaching a certain amount of spend. For instance, customers can receive a gift card of a certain value for a specific amount of money spent.

Gift cards can be awarded to regular customers as a reward for their brand loyalty or for regular purchases. This can encourage customers to return more often and continue spending with you.

Gift cards can be used as part of seasonal promotions or special ocassions to encourage additional purchases. For instance, you can offer gift cards for purchases during holidays or company anniversary celebrations.

Gift cards do not necessarily have to be used only for customers. They can also be used as a gift for employees, an employee incentive in the form of a gift card, or as a gift for partner companies.

Who is the gift program for?

Retail chains and
online stores

Catering facilities
and restaurants

Beauty salons, hairdressers and wellness centers

Our loyal partners