Digital loyalty stamp
Enable your users to collect rewards or loyalty points through mobile apps without having to physically carry cards or collect stamps
Digital loyalty stamp
- Convenience
Customers can easily track their points or loyalty program progress through their mobile devices without having to carry a physical card.
- Better control
You can easily and more comprehensively track customer activitiy and habits , and thus provide them with personalized offers and promotions through the digital channel.
- Reducing costs
Eliminating the need for physical cards or coupons reduces the costs required to print and distribute materials.
- Improved customer experience
The digital stamp provides a modern and convenient experience that suits the digital age, customer habits and desires.

Who is this loyalty program for?
Companies with frequent one-time small or medium value purchases
Fashion brands, cafeterias/restaurants, supermarkets
Brands that want to save money and at the same time improve their loyalty programs and customer loyalty