Multibrand loyalty

A loyalty program that combines several brands into a single loyalty ecosystem

Multibrand loyalty

Consumers can accumulate rewards and benefits by shopping with different brands or retailers within the same loyalty program. This gives them more flexibility and allows them to earn rewards faster or enjoy the variety of offers.

The participation of various brands in a multibrand loyalty program can attract new customers who are interested in the diversity of the offer and the possibility to accumulate rewards in several places. This can help expand the customer base for all program participants.

Multibrand loyalty programs encourage long-term consumer loyalty not only to an individual brand, but also to the loyalty program as a whole. Through the program, consumers establish an emotional connection with participating brands, which makes them less likely to switch to a competitor.

Multibrand loyalty programs allow retailers and brands to share costs and resources when running loyalty programs. This can result in more effective marketing campaigns, better use of consumer data and greater customer engagement.

Who is this loyalty program for?

Companies and brands from different areas of the industry that want to connect into a single entity

Companies or brands belonging to the same group

Brands that want to connect into a single loyalty system

Our loyalty partners